Contact us
Contact us
Before you contact us we may already have the answer to your question in our Frequently Asked Questions.
Our customer care hours are:
Monday to Friday - 9am - 5pm
If you contact us outside of these hours, we’ll do everything we can to respond as soon as possible, but we really appreciate your patience.
If you have any questions we'd be delighted to try and answer them, if you have any problems then we will try our absolute best to solve them.
If you would like to talk to us, please leave your number, and let us know in your message using the form on this page and we will get in touch as soon as we can.
You can also email us directly at
Registered address:
Little Giggles Co. Ltd, 20-22 Wenlock Rd, London, N1 7GU, United Kingdom.
Company Number: 12449113.